
Therapy should not be a one size fits all approach! That’s why at HMS, therapy is tailored to meet YOUR needs. This is achieved using a variety of proven and evidenced-based methods. Some of the ways we will do this together are:

Cognitive & Behavioral Based-Therapy

Using these methods we will explore how your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors impact your life. Once we understand the how, we will use cognitive restructuring and behavioral interventions to help you achieve your goals.


Mindfulness and Acceptance-Based Therapy

Rather than struggle with our thoughts and feelings, we can create space and acceptance for them. A concept drawn from Buddhism; the use of these methods allows for an alternative to the constant inner-conflict.

Psychodynamic-Oriented Therapy

One of the foundational pieces of therapy, the Psychodynamic method helps you dig deeper. This allows for greater insight and self-awareness. Through the exploration of your motivations, anxieties, and defenses, we can help you show up as a more authentic you.



Somatic Based-Therapy

The connection between mind and body is often ignored in day-to-day functioning, leading to distress. This type of therapy will help to bring you back in alignment, helping to alleviate symptoms and making you feel more connected to self.