Areas of Specialty



Depression can make you feel like you are alone, but you don’t have to be. We can figure out ways to support you through a single depressive episode or persistent depression. We will work on tackling self-defeating thoughts, managing symptoms, and implementing behavioral changes to create a happier and healthier you.

Anxiety & Stress

We’re all familiar with the feeling of anxiety and stress. It can even be regarded as healthy at times. Whether it’s a big presentation at work, worrying about the future or dealing with day-to-day stress, anxiety takes many shapes. When it goes from being productive and helpful to disruptive, therapy can help. If you’ve noticed a shift from healthy anxiety to burdensome thoughts, feelings, or behaviors, we can work together to understand your triggers and find ways to manage it, with skills and tools.


How you feel about yourself has an enormous impact on every area of your life. Feelings of shame and low self-worth can be damaging to self and our relationships with others.  If you’re struggling with your internal critic or feel like you are caught up in negative thought patterns that are getting in the way of your own happiness, we can figure out a path forward. One that allows you to see yourself more fully, with compassion and grace.


Many people consider their relationships to be the foundation of their lives. Whether it’s our family and friends or romantic relationships, we are all involved in various relationships throughout our lives. The support of an unbiased, trained professional can help when you run into issues in your relationship. Whether you’re struggling with how to navigate family dynamics, feeling resentment towards a partner, or repeating patterns in your dating life, we can help you create and maintain healthier relationships.

Eating Disorders and Body Image

Whether you fit the criteria for an eating disorder diagnosis or not, disordered eating and body image issues can have a damaging effect on your sense of self and how you live your everyday life. If you are struggling with this, we can explore your relationship with your body and work to heal some of the hurtful coping mechanisms you might be using with food and/or exercise.

Grief & Loss

Grief is heavy and it’s not something you simply ‘get over’. You might benefit from having someone to help hold and unpack your grief in a non-judgmental safe space. If you need help navigating this process, know that finding the right person to help you untangle your thoughts and express your feelings can make a huge difference in how you heal.

Life Transitions

Depending on where you are in life, you might be experiencing something new that feels overwhelming. From moving to a new city, embarking on a new phase of life, or experiencing a sudden change. Sometimes the tools we’ve been using don’t seem to work during these big changes. Working with a trained therapist to navigate this transition can help you feel more grounded during this change of seasons.


Trauma comes in many forms and can impact every person differently. It effects your sense of safety, often resulting in a feeling of lack of control, and can be detrimental to intimate relationships. In therapy we will work to help you regain a sense of trust and safety in both your mind and body.