Common Questions


  • HMS practice is an out-of-network practice. Some benefits of paying privately include more privacy and control in our work together. Many insurances offer out of network coverage, which means sessions may be eligible for reimbursement. We offer courtesy verification of insurance and do submit all paperwork to your insurance on your behalf (if you want us to). In some cases, we can offer a co-insurance only payment option. We can discuss this all more on a complimentary consultation call.

    It’s always recommended to call your insurance to find out what reimbursement would look like for an out-of-network provider. If you have out of network coverage, session fees are typically reimbursed 50-90%.

  • The client-therapist relationship is a crucial element of the therapy process. An initial consult with a prospective therapist is a great way to get a sense of how you feel talking with this person. Do you feel comfortable? Do you feel heard by this person? Finding out about their style and how they approach therapy is a great place to start as you search for the right therapist.

  • Therapy is a weekly commitment. Some people come more often when needed. During initial sessions, we will explore what brings you to therapy, get to know each other and figure out what success looks like for you. Clients often begin with an event, feeling, or memory that has surfaced over the last week. As you talk, your therapist will help guide the conversation to help you connect to and process your feelings.

  • We meet for weekly sessions, although some clients require more frequency at various points over the course of treatment. As a client’s needs change, so does the frequency of sessions.